Auto Repair shop


Don’t Be a Victim of Auto Repair Scams!

slide2Have you ever wondered why your insurance company has a pre-arranged body shop for vehicle repairs? It’s because it’s in their best interest to have a place to send your damaged car to, because they can control the auto-body repair costs. If your insurance company owns the auto-body repair shop, they can dictate how much it costs, what parts they will pay for, and the quality of workmanship. They also don’t need a second opinion if they own the body shop, or employ the owner!

One way that they commonly cut their costs is by using after -market parts, not new automotive parts. They can also offer you a “fast buy-out” and a quick pay off, for a lower accident settlement. This is all to benefit the insurance company. They may not allow you to get the best quality repair parts that you deserve, choosing used or refurbished replacements.

In the state of Georgia, insurance carriers cannot dictate where you take your car to be repaired. No one knows this better than former insurance adjuster and owner of shelly-e1371597005614Auto Innovations, Inc. Collision and Repair Center, Shelly Jackson. She knows all the insurance “tricks of the trade”. Shelly knows how to assess a vehicle after a collision- the right way. By doing a thorough inspection of the vehicle, not just guessing, all damages can be better accessed. This means that the vehicle may need to be partially dismantled to see all the damages. A typical on-site auto inspection can’t do that.

If you choose to take an instant cash settlement for the car accident, you could be losing money for the real repair costs! Bring it to Auto Innovations, Inc. in Cobb County, Georgia for a second opinion. Auto Innovations, Inc. is more concerned with the quality of parts and the auto-body repair work for the customer’s satisfaction.

If you have a dent on your car, have fender or bumper damage, need a new auto paint job, or have a car accident and need major body repair for your vehicle, come to Auto Innovations, Inc. in Marietta, Georgia for a great experience in auto-body car repair!